Wednesday, 2 July 2014

To blog or not to blog?

The Ultimate Procrastinator
I have been thinking about blogging for a while. Quite a long while actually. But that’s what I do – I think about things. Then maybe, eventually, I do them. A bit like Hamlet. Although I have to say I’ve never thought about killing my Uncle, but then he didn’t murder my dad and marry my mum. Anyway, Hamlet is a good example, because when he does decide to stop thinking and do something, he makes a right balls-up of it and stabs Polonius through the arras (ooh er Mrs)

This is the fear of all “thinkers” (or, let’s be honest, procrastinators.) We put off getting on with “it” just in case we’re not up to the task. Instead we opt for staying in our comfort zone, doing things that don’t quite give us the pleasure or fulfilment we think they should. The blog waitbutwhy on procrastination is not only brilliantly entertaining but illuminating. All procrastinators should read it as it is (apart from being deliciously ironic) what I call “productive procrastination.” In other words doing something useful even if it’s not what you should be doing. Reading my blog, for example, will be such a deeply edifying experience  that it must surely count as productive procrastination at the very least, if not essential to maintaining mental health and spiritual well-being. Or maybe not.

So, here I sit, having read Emily Benet’s excellent book “Blogging for Beginners” trying to follow her advice and write a blog about something that I know a lot about…


The trouble is, apart from my expertise in procrastination, I know a bit about a lot of things. In fact, I am the kind of person (a rarity, apparently) who can find something interesting in pretty much anything. I know a fair bit about books and literature, but I read at the speed of a dyslexic snail. Let’s face it, no-one wants to read a book blog about the Man Booker Prize longlist six months after the winner is announced. Besides, there are many outstanding book blogs already.
Oh dear !

This led me to the tragically narcissistic conclusion that only thing I REALLY know a lot about is me.

Caption ideas welcome... 
This blog, then, will contain the thoughts and experiences of me. It will cover topics from Arthritis (which I’ve had since I was two) to Zoos (which I love) it will feature my friends and family, my partners (past and present) their offspring and, of course, my cats. Books, theatre and writing will almost certainly pop up and…well…who knows what else? I hope you will join me to find out.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I laughed at your comparison to Hamlet but I'm confident you're not going to make a balls-up of blogging because it sounds like it comes naturally to you. Thanks so much for coming to my talk and really glad you found the guidebook useful. Happy Blogging!

    1. Thank you! It's very exciting and a little scary

  2. Great to find you out here in Bloggington Bassett, a sleepy suburb of the blogosphere.

    1. Why thank you, kind sir. I like Bloggington Bassett muchly

  3. "Hey sibling, I think you used too much bleach."

    Hi Jane :)

    1. Brilliant, caption Captain. Good to see you here :-)
